A safe start to your journey


A safe start to your journey

The health and well being of our passengers and staff members is our top priority. 

Lycksele Airport continuously monitors the developments and is in frequent contact with the Public Health Agency of Sweden and other relevant authorities. At our airport, we also follow the European Aviation Safety Agency’s ‘COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol’, which was developed to reduce the spread of infection and ensure travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. You may therefore notice that we have different recommendations at the airport compared to those in general effect in Sweden.


Recommendation to passengers and visitors

We recommend the use of face mask in the terminal. Ensure the face mask covers your nose, mouth and chin and is replaced every 4 hours. Use the designated bins for disposal of face masks. Ensure you have sufficient face masks for your journey,

When using a face mask, remember to

  • Ensure you wash your hands before you put on your face mask.
  • Avoid touching the mask while using it.
  • Changing your mask after a maximum of four hours or if it becomes moist or contaminated.
  • Removing your mask by using the straps. Avoid touching the mask itself.
  • Ensure you wash your hands again.


We ask

  • To avoid crowding, we recommend that you see off or greet passengers outside the terminal.
  • Please maintain distance and observe social distancing guidance.
  • Wash your hands with soap often and/or use sanitisers.
  • Sneeze/cough into your elbow or a tissue. Avoid touching your face.
  • Stay home if you are feeling unwell and contact your airline for rebooking opportunities.

Infection control measures at the airport

  • Hand sanitizers are available in the airport terminal, arrival hall, security checkpoint and gates.
  • Clearly signposted information and distance markings for airport passengers and visitors.
  • We have protective screens installed at mandatory passenger flows such as check-in counters.
  • Only arriving passengers have access to the airport's arrival hall.
  • Extended cleaning with disinfection of check-in counters, toilets, contact areas in the terminal, security control and gates.
  • Airport staff who come into direct contact with passengers wear face masks and gloves.